Well-being Coaching Call

Experience One-to-One support with your general well-being + mind, body soul care - in your own time, via telephone.
The Well-being coaching call, that will assist you through a particular area that you’re struggling with and will help you to refocus on what’s important for your general health and well-being. The session will last 90 minutes.
Together we will explore solutions to help you move forward and bring forth some deeper clarity to get you moving from where you are, closer to where you want to be.
I’ll help you explore essential tools to add to your 'tool kit' - so you’re a little more equipped when a challenge arises.
Personal wellness is really at the heart of all we do. If we struggle to feel mentally, emotionally and spiritually well, then most of our life is spent in discomfort. Learning how to be well on the inside extends our wellness on the outside.
The investment - £90