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Rising Women - Attachment and Encouragement

A warm thank you to those who shared the space at Rising Women yesterday, it was lovely to meet and connect.

The topic of discussion began with attachment and who we've been for so long which can hold us back from who we want to be. We also spoke about noticing when something is no longer working for us/serving us or helping us. There was so much depth that came from exploring these topics, the thought process and where it lead us was striking.

We worked in pairs, gathered our thoughts and made notes which were then shared with the larger group, creating an open discussion.

Towards the end of the session we worked individually and wrote ourselves a letter of encouragement and support. This task was quite empowering, it sparked emotion and highlighted our self-value through praise and pride.

Women have so much to share in general as well as sharing a common ground that in many situations creates immediate bonds. Our ability to come together as strangers yet share a great sense of familiarity, meeting one another where we are, with acceptance, ease and grace is incredible. We are indeed magical and need more celebration of ourselves and others, to hold a space and become a mirror so that we can begin to see the beauty in each other through the beauty we hold ourselves. I look forward to rising together next month. Stay connected for the next session (last Saturday of each month).

With gratitude and thanks.


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